Next Governor of Puerto Rico: The Afro-Puerto Rican Rogelio Figueroa

    While in the United States it is rumored that the 'afro-american' Barack Obama will be the next president of that nation, here in Puerto Rico we have our own Barack, in the person of Rogelio Figueroa, who aspires to the highest political position in our land.  Figueroa, an engineer who has distinguished himself for his work as an environmentalist, is currently running for the candidacy for Governor in 2008.  Unfortunately, his candidacy has been unjustly thwarted by all of the "Buts" that other political parties have placed in the State Electoral Commission (CEE).   Although it is clear that his new party, Puertorriqueños por Puerto Rico has compiled more than 100,000 signatures needed to legalize a political party before the commission, the delegates of the aforementioned parties now doubt the compiled list. (These delegates literally control the Commission.)  Is it racism?  Puerto Rico has never had an Afro-Puerto Rican governor, and all of the actual candidates are white: Luis Fortuño, Pedro Rossello, Anibal Acevedo Vila.  (It still has not been determined who the PIP candidate will be, who traditionally was Ruben Berrios, how retired a few days ago.)   It now turns out that Governor Acevedo Vila, who aspires for reelection, has threatened the Major of Ceiba, the Hon. Giblerto Camacho Parrilla, who for various years hired Figueroa as a consultant.  It is an economic and political threat for Parrilla to remove Figueroa from his current position.  At issue is obviously what will be done with the old naval station Roosevelt Roads--one of the largest naval facilities covering  over 100 miles of roads.  Do not let our sovereignty be roughshod.  Fight so that the PPP be registered at the CEE, and vote for Hon. Rogelio Figueroa for governor in 2008.