Derechos humanos
Thursday, December 30 2021
Fuente: El Pais “Nunca tendremos una situación en la que la privacidad y los datos sean protegidos de forma correcta”. Wojciech Wiewiórowski no se esconde. Este jurista polaco (Łęczyca, 1971),...
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Tuesday, December 28 2021
Source: HaclerMews Cybersecurity researchers have offered a detailed glimpse into a system called DoubleFeature that's dedicated to logging the different stages of post-exploitation stemming from the...
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Tuesday, December 28 2021
Source: ARS Technica Last Thursday, the world learned of an in-the-wild exploitation of a critical code-execution zero-day in Log4J, a logging utility used by just about every cloud service and...
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Tuesday, December 28 2021
Fuente: El Pais Estas exitosas conferencias nacidas hace casi cuatro décadas han predicho revoluciones tecnológicas o pandemias. Sus críticos dicen que contienen mensajes simplistas y que el...
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Tuesday, December 28 2021
Source: Gizmodo Between 2018 and 2021, more than one in 33 U.S. residents were potentially subject to police patrol decisions directed by crime-prediction software called PredPol. The company that...
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Tuesday, December 28 2021
Source: Gizmodo Police in 20 separate countries arrested 1,003 suspects as part of a sweeping crackdown on digital financial crime from June 2021 to September, including suspected operators of a type...
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Tuesday, December 28 2021
Source: The Verge Apple is indicating to its iPhone 13 component suppliers that it may not order as many units as expected due to a drop in demand, according to a report in Bloomberg. While the...
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Tuesday, December 28 2021
Source: Nature Researchers have built an artificial intelligence (AI) that can generate new mathematical formulae — including some as-yet unsolved problems that continue to challenge mathematicians....
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Tuesday, December 28 2021
Source: Nature For the first time, machine learning has spotted mathematical connections that humans had missed. Researchers at artificial-intelligence powerhouse DeepMind, based in London, teamed...
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Thursday, February 27 2020
Fuente: CIO La revisión del estado del parque solar usando drones crece al ritmo de una industria floreciente, la de la energía solar. Las inversiones en energía solar durante la última década sumaron...
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Saturday, February 22 2020
Source: MacWorldAs someone who travels with an iPad Pro rather than a MacBook, I complained for years about iOS’s inability to perform basic file management, including mounting networked file servers...
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Friday, February 21 2020
Source: NatureA pioneering machine-learning approach has identified powerful new types of antibiotic from a pool of more than 100 million molecules — including one that works against a wide range of...
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Friday, February 21 2020
Fuente: El PaisLos usuarios de Facebook publican 100.000 millones de posts diarios en todo el mundo. Hay ahí de todo lo imaginable: felicitaciones sinceras, insultos de cuentas falsas, anuncios...
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Thursday, February 20 2020
Source: NatureResearchers are concerned that China’s official reports on the number of coronavirus infections have not been including people who have tested positive for the virus but who have no...
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Thursday, February 20 2020
Source: GizmodoMashing the Facebook share or like buttons on defamatory content as well as anti-Semitic propaganda or other far-right drivel could amount to a crime in Switzerland as a result of a...
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Tuesday, February 18 2020
Source: Latin American ScienceDrones have become an influential part of scientific research, including studies on marine ecosystems. In fact, researchers around the world working in marine...
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Thursday, February 13 2020
Fuente: NoticelLos $2.6 millones que la Compañía de Fomento Industrial (PRIDCO) envió a un correo electrónico fraudulento en el extranjero pertenecían a una cuenta de reserva que esa entidad había...
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Thursday, February 13 2020
Fuente: El Nuevo Dia El presidente de la Comisión de Seguridad Pública de la Cámara de Representantes, Félix Lassalle Toro, radicó hoy una resolución para investigar el alegado fraude electrónico...
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Thursday, February 13 2020
Fuente: NoticelEl ataque cibernético a diversas cuentas de agencias de gobierno comenzó con un "hackeo" a una cuenta de la Administración de Sistemas de Retiro de donde sacaron la...
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Wednesday, February 12 2020
Source: El PaisEl consejo de la GSMA, organizadores del Mobile World Congress (MWC) de Barcelona, se reúne este miércoles por la tarde con carácter de urgencia y ha decidido de momento mantener el...
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Tuesday, February 11 2020
Fuente: El PaisEl Mobile World de Barcelona se tambalea por el coronavirusEl consejo de la GSMA, la asociación de operadores y fabricantes que organiza el Mobile World Congress de Barcelona, se...
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Wednesday, February 5 2020
Fuente: El PaisEl coronavirus de Wuhan ha causado la primera baja en el Mobile World Congress 2020 (MWC). La compañía coreana LG ha anunciado este martes en un comunicado que no acudirá al congreso...
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Saturday, January 18 2020
Source: The Royal Society Publishing ethics and policiesUsing preprint and accepted author manuscript repositoriesWe are committed to increasing the accessibility of research and ensuring that it is...
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Saturday, January 18 2020
Source: NaturePalaeontologists have a fuzzy view of Earth’s history. An incomplete fossil record and imprecise dating techniques make it hard to pinpoint events that happened within geological eras...
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Saturday, January 18 2020
Fuente: El PaisMañana lloverá, decimos. La mayoría de las veces es así, porque la previsión meteorológica se maneja bien en franjas de 24 horas. Pero la meteorología actual no sabe responder a otra...
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