Thursday, December 5 2019
Source: PalgraveAuthors: Woods, A., Bresalier, M., Cassidy, A., Mason Dentinger, R.Animals and the Shaping of Modern Medicine: One Health and its HistoriesPalgrave Macmillan; 1st ed. 2018 editionAbout...
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Thursday, December 5 2019
Source: Society for the Social History of MedicineHugh Cagle, Assembling the Tropics: Science and Medicine in Portugal’s Empire, 1450–1700 , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. Pp. xix + ...
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Wednesday, March 21 2018
Source: NatureDieter Egli was just about to start graduate school in 1998 when researchers first worked out how to derive human embryonic stem cells. In the two decades since, the prolific cells have...
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Monday, November 13 2017
Source: Science MagazineIn perhaps the most famous example of shoe-leather epidemiology, U.K. physician John Snow mapped cholera cases in London in 1854 to pinpoint a water pump on Broad Street as the...
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Tuesday, June 27 2017
Source: ARS TechnicaIn early 2008—on the brink of the second generation iPhone’s release—emergency medicine doctor Michael Omori unabashedly gushed over the digital upheaval he saw at the medical...
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