Friday, November 15 2019
Source: The Royal SOcietyThe compact city, as a sustainable concept, is intended to augment the efficiency of urban function. However, previous studies have concentrated more on morphology than on...
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Thursday, November 14 2019
Fuente: El VoceroEn días recientes hemos leído y escuchado mucha indignación por el tema de los contemporáneamente denominados “hijos talentosos”. Ya, el origen y consecuencias de esa deficiencia...
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Wednesday, November 13 2019
Fuente: El PaisVolar sin preocuparse de llevar el pasaporte o el billete encima; no esperar para facturar el equipaje e incluso poder olvidarse de él porque no hay ninguna posibilidad de que se pierda...
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Wednesday, November 13 2019
Fuente: SciDev Aplicando ozono al almidón de yuca, un equipo de investigadores en Brasil ha logrado producir un tipo de plástico más resistente y biodegradable que puede usarse en varios tipos de...
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Tuesday, October 1 2019
Source: NatureThe opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing featured ancient China’s four great inventions: the compass, printing press, paper and gunpowder. The lesson on display, as...
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Wednesday, May 29 2019
Source: Science MagazineThousands of scientists, educators, and students swamped the streets of Brazil this week to protest cuts in education and research funding. Marches occurred this past Wednesday...
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Tuesday, May 14 2019
Source: NatureEven before Chinese President Xi Jinping unveiled the monumental trade plan now known as the Belt and Road Initiative to the rest of the world, he was already selling elements of it to...
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Wednesday, May 8 2019
Fuente: SciDev [SANTIAGO] Dos empresas mineras de la zona central de Chile sumaron recientemente a sus faenas el uso de energía proveniente del sol.Minera San Pedro, ubicada en la comuna de Tiltil,...
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