Tag - Digital

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Tres ideas para proteger la información de los discos duros portátiles

Tres ideas para proteger la información de los discos duros portátiles Fuente: El Pais A estas alturas ya suena a tópico, pero eso no quita que sea totalmente cierto: cada vez guardamos más y más...

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No responda “sí” por teléfono: los robos de datos recientes avivan las campañas de fraude masivo

Fuente: El Pais La última oleada de intentos de robos de datos a empresas e instituciones con millones de clientes, como Ticketmaster o la energética española Iberdrola o la Dirección General de...

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La red se llena de porno ‘deepfake’ de Taylor Swift y muestra el peligro de la IA para las mujeres

Source: El Pais 1 Las redes se han llenado de imágenes sexualmente explícitas de una de las personas más influyentes del momento: la cantante estadounidense Taylor Swift. Una vez más, como lleva...

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La revista ‘Nature’ elige por primera vez entre sus científicos del año a un ente no humano: ChatGPT

Fuente: El Pais   Cada diciembre, la revista Nature elige a diez protagonistas de algunas de las historias más relevantes para la ciencia ese año. En la selección que presenta hoy de 2023, por...

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Estudio revela que el impacto de la corrupción sobrepasa los $527 millones al año

Fuente: METROPR   Según un estudio presentado por el Observatorio de Sociedad, Gobernanza y Políticas Públicas de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico (PUCPR), durante las pasadas dos...

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How Sam Bankman-Fried’s Possible 110 Year Sentence Stacks Up Against Other Ex-Billionaires And Billionaires Who’ve Served Time

Source: Forbes   At least 11 billionaires or former billionaires have spent time behind bars. Here is what they did and how long they were in the clink. Former crypto billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried...

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Sam Bankman-Fried Faces 110-Year Max Sentence After FTX Trial—Here’s How Long Experts Think He’ll Be Behind Bars

Source: Forbes Sam Bankman-Fried was found guilty on all seven counts Thursday after a massive fraud and money laundering trial involving now-collapsed crypto exchange FTX and trading firm Alameda...

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He sustituido mi ordenador por una tableta y no me ha convencido la experiencia: esta es la razón

Fuente: El Pais ¿Puedo sustituir mi viejo ordenador por una tableta? Es una pregunta que se repite con cierta frecuencia. Y mi respuesta hasta ahora ha sido siempre la misma: depende de lo que...

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Thousands of scientists are cutting back on Twitter, seeding angst and uncertainty

Source: Nature Emilia Jarochowska joined Twitter in 2016 in the hope that it might help to enhance her career. She was finishing her PhD in palaeontology at the time, and felt that the platform would...

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História da informática na América Latina (2022)

História da informática na América Latina : reflexões e experiências (Argentina, Brasil e Chile) [2022] Jundiaí : Paco e Littera, [2022] Intro Folha de rosto A informática e suas histórias...

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Los ‘deepfakes’ de voz engañan incluso cuando se prepara a la gente para detectarlos

Fuente: El Pais En 2019, el director de una empresa británica fue víctima de una estafa después de recibir un falso mensaje de voz de su gerente en que pedía la transferencia de 220.000 euros a un...

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Preguntas sobre la historia de la ciencia en Puerto Rico a ChatGPT

Preguntas sobre la historia de la ciencia en Puerto Rico a ChatGPT Enlace: https://chat-gpt.org/chat   1) You who was the first scientist in puerto rico? ChatGPT The first known scientist in Puerto...

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Preguntas sobre la difusión de la Revolución Científica en América Latina a ChatGPT

Preguntas sobre la difusión de la Revolución Científica en América Latina a ChatGPT Enlace: https://chat-gpt.org/chat 1) You was gravitational theory of sir isaac newton discussed in latin america...

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Some central banks have dropped out of the digital currency race

Source: CoinTelegraph As countries around the world race to launch a central bank digital currency (CBDC), some jurisdictions have slowed down or dropped out of the race altogether. While many...

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Can Bitcoin Be a Financial Lifeline for Economies in Crisis?

Source: FinTech Bitcoin, the world’s first and most widely-recognized cryptocurrency, has gained a reputation for being a volatile and risky investment. However, in certain economies around the...

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Central Bank of Ecuador Might Regulate Cryptocurrencies This Year

Souce: Bitcoin News   The Central Bank of Ecuador is planning to prepare and issue cryptocurrency-related regulations this year. The announcement was made by Guillermo Avellan, manager of the Central...

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VMware Horizon servers are under active exploit by Iranian state hackers

Source: ARS Technica Hackers aligned with the government of Iran are exploiting the critical Log4j vulnerability to infect unpatched VMware users with ransomware, researchers said on Thursday....

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With AirTag, Apple’s best just isn’t good enough

Source: MacWorld According to The New York Times, the Apple Standard is alive and well. If you’re not familiar with the Apple Standard, well, where have you been? Not reading this column, certainly....

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Critical Flaws Discovered in Cisco Small Business RV Series Routers

Source: Hacker News   Cisco has patched multiple critical security vulnerabilities impacting its RV Series routers that could be weaponized to elevate privileges and execute arbitrary code on...

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Apple privacy changes wipe $278 billion market value from 4 companies

Source: iMOre Meta's share price has fallen 24% in the last 24 hours. A new report has revealed that four social media companies have lost some $278 billion in market value since Apple announced...

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Massive open index of scholarly papers launches

Source: Nature   An ambitious free index of more than 200 million scientific documents that catalogues publication sources, author information and research topics, has been launched. The index,...

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Half of internet-connected devices in hospitals are vulnerable to hacks, report finds

Source: The Verge   Over half of internet-connected devices used in hospitals have a vulnerability that could put patient safety, confidential data, or the usability of a device at risk, according to...

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Radeon RX 6500 XT is bad at cryptocurrency mining on purpose, AMD says

Source: ARS Technica   AMD will begin selling its latest budget GPU, the Radeon RX 6500 XT, on January 19th. Its retail price is $199. But the ongoing GPU shortage, caused in part by cryptocurrency...

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University Loses Valuable Supercomputer Research After Backup Error Wipes 77 Terabytes of Data

Source: Gizmodo   Kyoto University, a top research institute in Japan, recently lost a whole bunch of research after its supercomputer system accidentally wiped out a whopping 77 terabytes of data...

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Top 10 healthcare breaches in the U.S. exposed data of 19 million

Source: Bleeping Computer   The healthcare sector has been the target of hundreds of cyberattacks this year. A tally of public data breach reports so far shows that tens of millions of healthcare...

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