Impact Report 2022
Source: Charles Darwin Foundation
Dear Members, Friends, and Supporters
of the Charles Darwin Foundation,
It is a great pleasure to present our 2022 Impact
Report. The year has proven to be a particularly
strong one with our research programs returning
to full swing after the COVID-19 pandemic.
We’ve achieved a great many milestones, both
institutionally and in terms of our research, which
I invite you to explore them in more detail in this
Strategic Highlights
After a year in the making, we formally launched
our 5-year Institutional Strategic Plan last
October and we are now finalizing our Science
Plan, which will guide CDF’s research priorities
for the next 10 years. The Science Plan will be
published in the second half of 2023. We have
further strengthened our leadership team with
the recruitment of a Director of Marketing and
Communications, and bolstered our Science
department with two key hires on our marine
projects. And finally, we proudly launched our
US charitable partner Friends of the Charles
Darwin Foundation in June, that makes supporting
conservation research and activities to safeguard
Galapagos easier than ever for US based
individuals, corporations, and foundations.
In research, we have continued to make great
advances. First, on the critically endangered
species front we were finally able to pick up
monitoring of the Mangrove Finch again and our
scientists documented new breeding pairs for the
season. With a population size of less than 100
individuals remaining in the wild, such additions
are noteworthy and cause for hope. Similarly, with
the Little Vermilion Flycatcher recovery program on
Santa Cruz Island now running for several years,
we have observed an increase in its distribution
range, which is a very promising sign.