Tag - China

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A Chinese Empire Reborn

Source: New York TimesI am the son of two empires, the United States and China. I was born in and raised around Washington in the Nixon-to-Reagan era, but my parents grew up in villages in southern...

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Chinese Man Gets 5-Year Prison for Running VPN

Source: Hacker NewsWhile continuing its crackdown on services that help Chinese citizens to bypass Great Firewall, Chinese authorities have sentenced a man to five-and-a-half years in prison for...

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Chinese Man Jailed For Selling VPNs that Bypass Great Firewall

Source: Hacker NewsIn an effort to continue its crackdown on VPNs, Chinese authorities have arrested a 26-year-old man for selling VPN software on the Internet.China's Supreme Court has sentenced Deng...

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Apple removes VPN Apps from the China App Store

Source: Hacker NewsIn order to comply with Chinese censorship law, Apple has started removing all virtual private network (VPN) apps from the App Store in China, making it harder for internet users to...

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Audrey Tang, la ministra hacker que ha revolucionado Taiwan

Fuente: El Pais No hay muchos superdotados en la política. Esto no es una afirmación prejuiciosa, sino una evidencia estadística. Los superdotados -o con “altas capacidades intelectuales”,...

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Estudiantes aprenderán mandarín en las escuelas públicas

Fuente: NoticelEn las escuelas públicas primarias y secundarias se dará clases de mandarín, como parte del Plan de Desarrollo Económico, dijo el miércoles el secretario de Desarrollo Económico y...

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China's quantum satellite clears major hurdle on way to ultrasecure communications

Source: NatureJust months into its mission, the world’s first quantum-communications satellite has achieved one of its most ambitious goals.Researchers report in Science1 that, by beaming photons...

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China expands DNA data grab in troubled western region

Source: NaturePolice in the northwestern region of Xinjiang, China, have been collecting DNA samples from citizens and are now ramping up their capacity to analyse that genetic cache, according to...

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