Tag - Historia de la tecnología

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Bhalai, The History of Mining and Geological Surveys in Jamaica (2023)

The History of Mining and Geological Surveys in Jamaica By Suresh Bhalai Springer International Publishing, 2023        Mining and geological survey work in Jamaica goes back several hundred years...

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España acogerá una cumbre internacional centrada en el impacto social de la revolución tecnológica

Fuente: El PaisEn Londres 600.000 cámaras controlan los movimientos de los ciudadanos y hay hasta cuatro millones en todo Reino Unido. Algunos colegios en China y Suecia utilizan el reconocimiento...

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Cómo nació el “envíamelo en PDF”

FUente: El PaisLas impresoras son el amigo invisible de los ordenadores. Su presencia en los hogares y lugares de trabajo es común, y en general requieren poca atención por parte del usuario (más allá...

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2017, un año difícil para la ciencia en la región

Fuente: SciDev   Recortes presupuestales, descubrimientos de cepas agresivas, el ambiente en mayor riesgo: 2017 no ha sido el mejor año para la ciencia y tecnología en América Latina.Las amenazas de...

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62 Rare Nuclear Test Films Have Been Declassified and Uploaded to YouTube

Source: GizmodoNuclear test films from 1945 to 1962 are literally rotting away in US government storage facilities. But those highly classified films are now being restored, declassified, and released...

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FCC Chair Ajit Pai Announces Bullshit Plan to Destroy Net Neutrality

Source: GizmodoThe agonizing wait is finally over. Today, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai announced his plan to dismantle net neutrality. During a speech in Washington, DC at the conservative nonprofit...

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2017, Betancor, metaphysics and mining in colonial Peru

The matter of empire : metaphysics and mining in colonial PeruAuthor:    Orlando BentancorPublisher:    Pittsburgh, Pa. : University of Pittsburgh Press, [2017]...

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2016, Alexander, City on fire

City on fire : technology, social change, and the hazards of progress in Mexico City, 1860-1910Author:    Anna Rose AlexanderPublisher:    Pittsburgh, Pa. : University of Pittsburgh Press, [2016]...

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2010, Brown, Cyborgs in Latin America

Cyborgs in Latin AmericaAuthor:    J Andrew BrownPublisher:    New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010....

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Sean Spicer is wrong…and so is the Press

by Rodrigo FernosA few days ago Donald Trump’s press secretary Sean Spicer claimed that not even Hitler stooped so low as to use chemical weapons, in reaction to its proven use in Syrian Civil War....

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