Reports of Russia's Election Hack Keep Getting Scarier

Souce: Gizmodo

A New York Times investigation offered some unnerving news on Friday. Not only was the hacking of electoral systems during last year’s election “more extensive than previously disclosed,” the paper reports, multiple sources say that nobody’s really examining the the attacks on a state or local level. The reasons why are as complex as they are alarming.

One thing is clear: A lot of registered voters in North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, and Arizona didn’t get to vote on election day last year, because their names weren’t in the electronic poll books. We’ve known for a while that Russian hackers had infiltrated the servers of VR Systems, a company that provides the software for polling equipment. However, anonymous sources from the intelligence community told the Times that at least two other election software companies had been hacked as well.

How much damage did they do? We don’t know. We might never know. From the Times:
