Clean Energy Could See Explosive Growth by 2023, IEA Report Claims

Source: Gizmodo

The release of a damning report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change this week predicting unprecedented climate disaster within the next decade was no doubt a sobering reminder of the fragile state of our planet. But new forecasts from the International Energy Agency (IEA) for the future of global renewable energy capacity offers a far more hopeful picture, predicting a massive spike in clean energy over the next five years—if, that is, necessary policy and regulation are acted upon now.

In an October 8 press release on its Renewables 2018 report, the IEA highlighted modern bioenergy—which the International Renewable Energy Agency describes as including liquid biofuels produced from plants, biogas produced by anaerobic digestion, and wood pellet heating systems, which is of particular importance for industries—as having the potential for the greatest growth in renewable resources between now and 2023. The IEA also noted the importance of modern bioenergy in developing “a robust renewable portfolio and ensuring a more secure and sustainable energy system.”

“Modern bioenergy is the overlooked giant of the renewable energy field,” the IEA’s executive director Dr. Fatih Birol said in a statement. “Its share in the world’s total renewables consumption is about 50% today, in other words as much as hydro, wind, solar and all other renewables combined. We expect modern bioenergy will continue to lead the field, and has huge prospects for further growth.”
