Tag - Peru

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Science of Machu Picchu (2022)

Science of Machu Picchu By Golriz Golkar   Capstone, 2022   Have you ever heard of Machu Picchu? It's an ancient citadel high in the mountains of Peru. Science played a big role in the building of...

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“La paradoja de la plata”

Fuente: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos Nuestro país ingresó al comercio mundial de la mano de la plata y el colonialismo español. Ello ocurrió en el siglo XVI, pero sus consecuencias siguen vivas....

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El hallazgo en Perú de una momia en medio de un monumental basurero

Fuente: BBC   Un grupo de arqueólogos en Perú ha encontrado una momia que se cree que tiene alrededor de 3.000 años, mientras escavaban en un basurero en la capital del país, Lima. Los estudiantes de...

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José Gregorio Paredes (1778-1839) : científico, político y creador del Escudo Nacional

  Alberto Varillas Montenegro Lima : Fondo Editorial del Congreso del Perú : Instituto Riva-Agüero : Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019   Primera parte: José Gregorio Paredes, hombre de...

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El dictador Fujimori será juzgado por las esterilizaciones forzadas

Fuente: NODAL   Después de casi tres meses de iniciada la lectura de la resolución con la que se dispone el inicio de investigaciones, el magistrado Rafael Martínez, de la Corte Superior Nacional de...

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Scientists Warn That The Amazon’s Tipping Point Puts Brazil’s Agribusiness, Energy Sector At Risk

Source: The RisingOvershooting an Amazon rainforest-to-savanna tipping point would be “catastrophic” to Brazil’s economic powerhouses, experts have said — with especially far-reaching impacts for the...

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The scientists restoring a gold-mining disaster in the Peruvian Amazon

Source: NatureLa Pampa, Peru“Holy shit!” Miles Silman gasped as his motorized rickshaw rattled out of the forest and onto a desolate beach. All traces of the trees, vines and swamps that once covered...

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Huawei rolls out 5G tests in Peru

Source: ContxtoIn SummaryWhile other major tech brands like Microsoft, Google, Qualcomm, Panasonic and Intel have already cut ties with Huawei due to alleged security reasons, the Asian company is...

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Machu Picchu was built over major fault zones. Now, researchers think they know why

Source: Science MagazineArchaeologists and architects alike have long wondered why 15th century Incans built the grand citadel of Machu Picchu where they did, high in the remote Andes atop a narrow...

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In the world’s highest city, a lack of oxygen ravages the body

Source: Science MagazineON A COLD, GRAY MORNING earlier this year, Ermilio Sucasaire, a gold miner, sat in a white plastic chair with a stack of papers and a pen in his hand. His inquisitive eyes...

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How the people of the Andes evolved to live in high altitudes

Source: Science MagazineScarce oxygen, cold temperatures, and intense ultraviolet radiation make the Andes a tough place to live. How did humans adapt to such heights? A new study of ancient and...

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South America’s Inca civilization was better at skull surgery than Civil War doctors

Source: Science MagazineCranial surgery without modern anesthesia and antibiotics may sound like a death sentence. But trepanation—the act of drilling, cutting, or scraping a hole in the skull for...

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Planetario de Lima enfrenta indiferencia de autoridades

Fuente: SciDev   [LIMA] Los pobladores de Lima ya no podrán visitar el único planetario que tiene la capital peruana, pues sus directivos se han visto obligados a suspender las visitas del público...

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Stupid Truck Driver Drove Right Over the Nazca Lines

Source: GizmodoThere’s a 2,000-year-old archaeological mystery preserved in Southern Peru: enormous images carved into the desert by unknown ancient artists. The beautiful Nazca Lines depict birds,...

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Face of the woman who ruled Peru 1,700 Years ago revealed

Source: MercoPressThe face of the Lady of Cao, considered to be a queen who ruled northern Peru 1,700 years ago, was revealed on Tuesday thanks to 3D technology developed by private companies, as was...

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Hidroeléctricas causan daños irreversibles en Amazonía

Fuente: SciDev.net   La cuenca amazónica podría sufrir daños irreversibles, a nivel hemisférico, de construirse las centenas de represas planificadas en sus afluentes, advierte un estudio que evaluó...

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2017, Betancor, metaphysics and mining in colonial Peru

The matter of empire : metaphysics and mining in colonial PeruAuthor:    Orlando BentancorPublisher:    Pittsburgh, Pa. : University of Pittsburgh Press, [2017]...

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